Monday, November 4, 2013

Waisay Health Living: 7 Good Rules Of The Body And 8 Wrong Road To Diet

Waisay Health Living: 7 Good Rules Of The Body And 8 Wrong Road To Diet: Why do we use plants to create medicine? The creator intended to create a lifelong man. He was given herbs, seed and fruit as his di...

7 Good Rules Of The Body And 8 Wrong Roads To Diet

Why do we use plants to create medicine? The creator intended to create a lifelong man. He was given herbs, seed and fruit as his diet. All plants absorb minerals from the soil through water. So when you eat plants you eat from the soil. As you know, 80% of the human being diseases are because of poor diet. We are consuming a lot of cholesterol which our bodies don’t need and most of them are coming from animal products such as red meat and eggs.
Today we are going to check on 7 rules of the body. You need to watch this and make sure you are taking the right amount.

  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Water
  • Sunlight
  • Temperance
  • Air
  •  Resting


This is one of the things which we need to observe. There are a lot of processed foods which are not good to the body and they are bringing a lot of threat to the society. For instance if we take a look at processed maize and wheat flour one thing that you will notice is that whenever you use either of the two they stick to the cooking can. If you do not believe take a cup of and mix it with water, get a newspaper or any other paper material apply it and stick it on the wall. Will it stick? Yes, that is what it does to our intestines too same thing with maize flour. What happens after this is that you will always have some digestive problems especially if you do not take water as required and exercise. Another thing is that these are starch and what they are adding in your body is energy and they contribute to weight gain.

The best choice of food is unprocessed and you should rather cook for yourself than buying cooked food from cafeterias or hotels. Meat is yet another thing which you should be mindful when taking. As you know this is the only type of food which will take more than 4 hours and multiply it in your stomach. It as well comes with some side effect and there are people who cannot go a day without it. This is the type of food which while cooking you will need to take care. It needs to be boiled so as to kill any living thing that might be in it such as worms. This is also a protein which builds your body. Roasted meat is also another agent that threatens your energy because it adds unwanted acid which can cause goiter.

Vegetables are very important when it comes to human health. They can be taken as raw or cooked but if you cannot take them in their raw form just steam them. Another thing is that they make the best vegetable soup and juice which provided nutrients which our body need. The only problem with vegetables is how they are grown. As you know there are those which are organically grown and these are the best while on the other hand we have inorganic which are known in adding chemicals in our bodies. And since it is hard to recognize which is organic and which is not. You can get in contact with organic farmers and you will be getting from them or rather choose to grow them from your farm.


Many people think some things are for kids or they are too big to run around with their pets and children but it is important. The best thing is that we have gyms where we can go and clean our bodies. When doing exercise we burn calories and therefore give our bodies time to eliminate everything that is not needed through sweating. Another thing is that it opens any blocked pores and also our chest thereby helping us to breathe well. It also causes our bodies to feel relaxed especially after bathing. This is supposed to be a daily routine maybe in the morning or evening depending on what you prefer. This creates a chance for you to live a health life and some diseases such as heartache and blood pressure will not draw near to you.


Experts say that we take at least 8 glasses of water per day but the fact is only 90% of people do so. Not because there is no water but no specific reason they can give. What I have heard people that they urinate a lot and this makes them uncomfortable especially leaving their working station after every 30 minutes. The thing which doesn’t hit their mind is that the body is not used to but if they choose to do it continuously after one to two weeks this will not be a problem. Water is highly needed in our bodies. If you want your body to be dry then do not give it water. Just like plant it will wither. This starts affecting skin and you can find out that someone is very young but the skin is giving a different status.


This is also important. Do not say because you are old and you do not have rickets there is no need of it. your body need vitamin D. so what you should do is get some time in your daily work plan to be warming yourself either in the morning or evening when the sun is not too hot.


This is a factor to watch. Your area of residence and whatever surrounds you need to be fresh. Just like how you need fresh water, fruits and such things, you need to breathe pure oxygen. We will talk more about it in our next article together with temperance.


After working all day long there is a great need to rest for at least 7 hours. You can either relax after bathing or sleep so as to be able to wake up the following day and be productive.

7 Wrong Roads of Diet

Food to avoid;

  • Refine flour
  • Snacks
  • Beverages
  • Meat
  • Fats
  • Salt
  • Sugar

These are the things to totally avoid in your life. We are going to check on them and as you know, they are cancer agents. In other words they are threatening your life and apart from cancer they can cause other illnesses. They add fats, sugar, and chemicals in our bodies and they are all processed.
The steering wheel is on your hands now, choosing which direction to follow.

Monday, July 22, 2013

What Is Insomnia And Natural Remedy?

You may have come across the word ‘Insomnia’ in websites or heard it somewhere. Maybe you have experienced the same but you didn't know. Insomnia is a sleeping disorder which disturbs many people but they do not count it as a problem especially when it is in its first stage.  Some of its symptoms include difficulties in falling asleep, not maintaining your sleep for a long period, stress, sickness, diet among others.  There are various causes which are commonly known to causing insomnia and they are group into three categories.

The first one is transient insomnia which many people do not count as a big problem since it lasts for less than a week. This type is caused by change of environment especially if you relocate to a new area and the news of insecurity is high. The level of anxiety may go high thereby causing you to lose sleep. There might be noise and before your mind adapt to this kind of environment you may experience some difficulties in sleeping. Another factor is change in sleeping and waking time. You may choose to extend your sleep or wake up early than usual. Stress and depression is yet another factor which is commonly known in causing insomnia.

The second cause is known as acute which may last for more than a week. This is mostly caused by stress where a person may be falling asleep and waking up frequently or not having sleep at all. The third one is chronic insomnia which goes beyond a month and it is caused by most of the above listed factors. Trauma and stress are also key factors in this type. Its symptoms include daytime sleepiness, hallucinations, muscular and mental fatigue. Some people may also experience double vision and seeing moving objects something that can at times cause mental problems.

However, there is a natural remedy which is used to treat this kind of disorder. At times people tend to use pills which lead to addiction. This quite a big risk since the person may enter into another bigger problem that he or she has been. We will group the remedy into three categories though they have a lot to do with our lifestyle.

Insomnia Herb Remedy

There are two types of herbs that are mainly used to curb this disorder. One of them is valerian a herb that is used in most parts of Germany and France. It is taken before going to bed and within three weeks the results are seen. This herb has some side effects such as dizziness and mild digestion. The second one is Kava though you should inform your doctor before using it. This is because it may result to liver problems if a lot of it is consumed.

Insomnia Diet Remedy

Many people like taking beverages which contain caffeine such as coffee, tea and chocolate saying that they want to warm themselves. There are also drugs which contain caffeine and you should avoid taking them when you are preparing to go to bed. Avoid taking sweet things during bed time and take food that is rich in carbohydrates and always make sure you take enough for your stomach. Taking milk at night is also advisable since it is believed to relieved curb stress.


There are some supplements which are required in the body so as to help in sleep. Magnesium, melatonin and calcium this helps in regulating sleep as well as improve sleep.

Lifestyle Remedy

There are other ways which helps in fighting insomnia. One of them is going to bed at the right time as usual and waking up at your planned time daily. Ensure that there is nothing in your bedroom that may interrupt your sleep. Exercise during the day and bath before you sleep as a way of refreshing. Avoid reading, listening to music or watching television while you are on bed. Work on managing your stress in case you are passing through challenging time.

All these remedies are helpful and they are proven to be effective. Instead of taking a lot of medication and paying doctors to check on you for something that you can control practice them and you will never lose your sleep.